Monday, September 3, 2012

Apple Eyes

I listened to his story
about the time when
he planted his sight
underneath a locust tree
covered the hole
a feckless cure
his vision, entangling
the roots of the tree
he offered me a view
of rapture and ecstasy
and a pair of stars
to sew into my own
he said that he would hallow it out
and feed me from it
a bowl of fish, evolving
into a flowering moon, he lives without
they told me to flee in haste, to
mistrust his infallible word
his animus, to swallow you blind
I shuttered at the thought of him
losing his ariel mind
I listened to the others
waited too long
his gazing eye
lost to the music inside the sphere
I watered the soil
with my own tears
for the man who was
cast into this world
with apple eyes

Inspired by Shawna's Poetic Words list
Shared at dVerse Poets Open Link Night


  1. "I watered the soil
    with my own tears" - You depict the pain of love so well. You write awesome!!! Well done Archna :-)

  2. very cool interaction...he buried his sight...and offered me stars to sew into mine....both really strong images...there are plenty of people out there people just dont understand so they shun them....i am intrigued by his/your story....

  3. Being at one with nature is for most of us a road to far, impossible. However you demonstrate with this poem of wonderful images that is not true that we can regain our place in the world instead of being interlopers, thieves and aliens unfit to be part of it. So much of what you write reinforces this attitude of oneness with the world, your children are so lucky to learn from you.

  4. Holy mackerel, miss. This is awesome. These are my favorite parts:

    "his vision, entangling
    the roots of the tree
    he offered me a view
    of rapture and ecstasy
    and a pair of stars
    to sew into my own"

    "to mistrust his infallible word
    his animus, to swallow you blind"

    "for the man who was
    cast into this world
    with apple eyes"

    I love the way you combine wild objects, images, and actions to create a magical feel in everything you write. Brilliant, gorgeous work. Thank you so much for writing for me.

  5. Stunning poem. Loved the ending -- watering the soil with tears is really a visceral image!

  6. Held my interest withs imagery and narrative hooks

  7. Another beautiful poem!

    I nominated you for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award, because your words are so inspiring! It's over at Mama Diaries.

  8. Very nice...watering the soil with his tears, capturing the emotion, the imagery, combining for a wonderful read!

  9. Love these lines...I watered the soil
    with my own tears
    for the man who was
    cast into this world
    with apple eyes.....beautiful.

  10. What a lovely tale...I like how you weave magic with the locust tree and watering the soil with tears ~

  11. Bravo, the combination of the earth, the heaven all mixed up in human tragedy weaves a wonderful tale of humanity. Very deep and emotional. You have such a compassionate soul!

  12. How beautifully you wove Shawna's words. I love that flowering moon image. There's just something about the moon. Thank you for sharing this.

  13. there's a deep intimacy in this one...loved esp. the part with he offering a view
    of rapture and ecstasy and a pair of stars to sew into your own...bit of magic in this..

  14. I want to pick out a favourite piece but, each line is so beautiful that it's hard to choose. There is so much fabulous imagery in all of it. The apple eyes, sewing stars into yours, the locust tree, the trust, the watering the soil with tears.
    It's all perfectly stunning.

  15. Wow. Lots of beautiful, mysterious imagery here. What a magical poem.

  16. Thought provoking
    a mystical romantic feel
    what romance would be complete without tears


  17. a beautiful fairy tale with a wise man and a damsel.
